Is P/UC progressive or conservative?
Persephone University College is nor progressive neither conservative and does not endorse any specific political party.
P/UC stands for freedom of speech, opinion and expression. As such, the mindset at P/UC is embracing the Austrian school of economics.
Your political views and preferences are none of our business – as simple as that.
You do you, and we care about are your grades, your progress, your improvements as a student. We welcome intelligence and respect achievements – that is what matters at P/UC. We are a meritocracy and leave your beliefs, opinions and lifestyle choices up to you.
If you wish to know how one of our professors thinks on a certain issue, you are free to ask them directly. You are also free to disagree with them. Persephone UC explicitly allows every adult individual to have his or her own opinions, even and most especially when we disagree with them. As long as an individual’s actions do not harm others or limit the freedom of other people, they shall do as they please.
If in doubt, consider what Dr. Thomas Sowell described as “common decency” and use that as your guide for action.
Welcome to Persephone UC
At the moment, Persephone is still in the underworld of construction.
Once she is ready she will “bring wisdom” as her name indicates, and she will do so in a very different way.
The Persephone University will offer students a completely new learning experience. One that is superior because it is more efficient: faster, more interesting, much more geared towards real life competences, and -very importantly- far less expensive. Persephone UC has not just completely reformed the learning methodologies but also revolutionized the payment structure:
- – Students that reach high grades get money back, a form of ongoing and earned scholarship – pure meritocracy. Grade A students get up to 50% back through grades only. No professor has an incentive giving lower grades though because it doesn’t affect their payment.
- – Since a third of the tuition payment is set in an investment account, that is completely in the students hands (but for real investment purposes only), students can even graduate with a monetary profit. At Persephone students learn not only scholarly theories but actual trading and investing – and it is obligatory.
- – Furthermore, at Persephone University students have to design their website that documents their work. Faking degree is thereby impossible, as students are verified online and to protect the privacy students have a code for full access they can give to inquirers – or refuse to give.
- – Professors are paid per course and are evaluated. Naturally, every professor has already proven their subject related competence but for the university the question of how well they can explain and motivate is just as important.
Meritocracy and the ability to think independent and critically are Persephone UC’s core values. P/UC is built upon the idea of freedom, responsibility and discipline.
A university is meant to inspire the best, motivate continuous progress and help reaching the utmost: intellectually, scholarly and ethically. At Persephone University College freedom of speech, opinion and expression is paramount, but cheating, fraud, plagiarism and other lack of decency is not welcome, we don’t harbor bullies, zealots or slackers.
We aim to redefine higher education for a better future, a future of freedom and prosperity.
Prof. K.H. Kayser

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